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Kerosone Clipper 

• Supports 14 Type Of Crypto Address
• Discord Webhook
• AntiVM Feature
• Delay
• Startup Option
• Public & Private Stub Available

Kerosone Miner


Kerosone Stealer Builder


Kerosone Custom Malware



Whats The Difference Between Shared & Private Stub?

Shared Stub means its available to everyone that bought shared package means it wont have the best execution rate.
Private Stub means the stub is made for you , you will be the only one using it . which will have the best execution rate & Lowest detection .

Can i still use my build after Key is expired ?

Yes you can , you just use the builder anymore . you will need a new subscription

Im New can i use this ?

Yes We provide free Spreading method and techniques for our customers 

I want a custom malware that has specific Features , Can you make that ?

Yes just contact us on Discord and we’ll sort you out.

Do you Refud Shared Stubs ?

Yes shared stub will be refud each week