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Kerosone Miner

The Best GPU & CPU Cryptocurrency Silent Miner

Why Kerosone Miner?

Kerosone Miner is a Standalone Silent Miner & Doesnt Require Any Extra Libraries To Run, It Also Have Alot of Features That Will Increase Your Earnings

Coded From Scratch

Kerosone Miner is Coded From Scratch & Doesnt Require Any Library Thus Making it Have Higher Execution Rate & Low Detection


Gaming Mode

It Will Detect User Activity If User Is Playing Games it will automatically stops mining to not interfere with User PC Perfomance


Persistance Startup & Mutex

Startup – Automatically Starts When – Detect if user is Gaming – ( Will stop mining if user is gaming to avoid user Detection )User PC Boots Up
Mutex – The Program will only Run One Instances & Update if newer one is launched


Multi Mining

Capable Of Mining with Both CPU & GPU Simultaneously , Supporting Latest & Profitable  Coin . KASPA , RVN , NEXA , XMR & Alot more



KerosoneAI Automatically Detects if user PC Is able to Miner with GPU and CPU . If GPU is not capable of mining it will only mine with CPU


Stability & Reliability

Kerosone Miner WatchDog Will Automatically Restart The Miner if
The Miner is Killed


Full Features List

– [ NEW SPECIAL FEATURE ] Digital Signed Certificate / This will further decrease Detection by Acting like its a legit software with Certificate
– Able To Mine Most CryptoCurrencies CPU & GPU Mining ( KASPA , NEXA , XMR , RVN )
– Hides From Task Manager
– Persistence Startup – ( Task Method )
– Mutex – ( Will Prevent Process to run more than once , Will Update if theres any )
– Startup/Installation ( Installs Into User PC & Hides )
– AES 256 Encryption
– Task Manager Disabler
– Idle Mining – ( Will Mine at Full Capacity if PC is Idle )

– Detect if user is Gaming – ( Will stop mining if user is gaming to avoid user Detection )
– Anti Memory Scan – ( Crypted Stub Will Prevent Memory Scan Most of the time )
– Windows Defender Cleanup ( cleans history file )
– Unique Stub – ( Each Stub Is Uniquely Crypted For Private Stub Customers )
– Hide as Protected System File – ( Most People Dont know this )
– Process/Injection Persistence ( Injects Into Random windows system32 file to avoid Anti Virus Detection )
– ZoneID remover
– Melt File – ( Removes/Deletes your itself after it is successfully ran )
– Dual Mining CPU & GPU Mode
– Ethereum And Ethereum Classic Mining Mode – ( Will Choose the most Optimized coin for User PC )
– Delay Execution – ( Delay the Execution to Bypass User & AV detection )
– Include Tutorial How to bypass SmartScreen ~ unwanted software flag
– Windows Defender Disabler – ( Completely Disable Windows Defender Checks & Scans )
– BotKiller – ( Kills Any BOT or Virus On User PC 90% Success Rate )
– Antis – ( VMWare , Sandbox , VirtualBox , Process Analyzer )
– UAC Bypass & Elevate Process/Privileges – ( Bypass User Account Control / Run As Admin Bypass )
– System Restore Disabler
– SmartScreen Disabler – Disable SmartScreen After Launch
– Set PC To Keep Alive Mode ( Disable Sleep )
– Discord Webhook Notification – ( Sends PC Info Such As – Mining Mode , IP , User , Graphic Card , Processor , OS , Uptime , OS Language )


Silver – 50$

– 1 Month Key
– Shared Stub
– Updates
– Support
– Free 1x Binding
– Access To Methods & Guides

Supreme – 120$

– 6 Month Key
– Private Stub
– Updates
– Support
– Free 6x Refud

– Free 3x Binding
– Access To Methods & Guides


Refud – 10$

– 1x Private Stub


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